The transition from 2 naps to 1 is quite bittersweet. On one hand, you can structure your day by being able to get out of the house more easily. On the other hand, this means it is one step closer to no nap and then they are basically off to college at that point. Here you’re going to find how to navigate the transition down to 1 nap.
What are some signs to look for when transitioning from 2 naps to 1?
Your child may begin to sleep longer for their first nap and progressively shorter for their second nap. Sometimes the morning nap is the short one and the afternoon nap is long. There might be times when your kid will simply play in their crib for the entirety of their second nap. Other times they might cry and fuss during that nap. Eventually, they might fall asleep much too late which would lead you to waking them up in order to respect their bedtime.
You might notice early morning wakings or having to plan bedtime much later in order to fit both naps in during the day. If you find these things happening 4-5 days a week it might be time to make the transition.

What age do children transition from 2 naps to 1?
The average age of this nap transition is 12-16 months. The most common age is 14 months. Be sure these new nap patterns have been happening for at least 2 weeks because they might just be hitting developmental milestones.
It might take a month or so to fully adjust to 1 nap, but rather than going between 1 nap one day and 2 naps another day, you are better off sticking with 1. When the previous naptime hits, your child might seem a little tired. In order to keep them stimulated, offer a snack, go outside for some sun or provide a craft to keep them occupied. Change your activity when you notice sleepy cues. Be sure you have a consistent nap and bedtime routine. Remember nap routines should be no longer than 10 minutes.
Making the switch in 2 steps
- Start by moving your baby’s morning nap back by half and hour for 3 days and allow him or her to sleep as long as they want
- Still provide quiet time for baby during afternoon nap time and leave them in their crib for 1 hour. If they do end up falling asleep, wake them up around 3:30-4:00 pm in order to keep bedtime on track
A Few Friendly Pointers
Nap time will most likely land around 12:00pm-12:30 pm. As you are transitioning to 1 nap, feel free to put your child down for bedtime sleep anywhere from 6:30-7:30pm. They may need to play a little catch up as their bodies are getting used to this new sleep pattern.
Be patient with your child and give yourself grace. It’s not an easy transition so on those nights when bedtime is 6:30pm, kick your feet up and relax. You’re doing a great job!