What is a Sleep Consultant, and should you hire one?

Have you ever even heard of the title sleep consultant? I know I had zero clue that job even existed before I had my oldest son so hopefully this can help you better understand what the job is. Adult sleep consultants do exist, but I’ll be focusing my attention on pediatric ones in this blog … Read more What is a Sleep Consultant, and should you hire one?

How to Effectively Use Quiet Time with Your Toddler

You’ve officially dropped the nap or at the very least, thinking about it. We are going to discuss how to introduce quiet time to your toddler now that the time has come. You’ve blinked and your previously napping toddler is continuing to grow and learn right before your eyes. In other words, that once beloved … Read more How to Effectively Use Quiet Time with Your Toddler

The 4 Month Sleep Regression

What is the 4 month sleep regression? Contrary to the word regression, the 4 month sleep regression is actually a progression. A time where babies go from having 2 stages of sleep (deep sleep and REM) and mature into having more adult like sleep cycles (4 stage sleep cycles). which is what they will have … Read more The 4 Month Sleep Regression

7 Activities to do with kids on New Year’s Eve

1.) Make DIY party poppers Now is the time to capitalize on extra tissue paper lying around. You just need a few supplies to make this easy craft. Tissue Paper or wrapping paper Construction Paper (or confetti; evaluate your comfort level for clean up) Tape Ribbon Start by cutting up or ripping construction paper into … Read more 7 Activities to do with kids on New Year’s Eve