
Welcome to Clementine Parent!

This is a place to come for your child’s sleep needs, breastfeeding + feeding basics as well as schedule ideas.

By you just visiting, your efforts to be a better parent mean that you’re already a good one!

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There are so many aspects to parenthood and my goal is to enlighten you with the basics and everything else is just gravy.

With the combination of my pediatric nursing experience, life as a mom along with extensive pediatric sleep training, I am privileged to help you navigate the first few years of parenthood according to you.

Not every child is the same and Clementine Parent is here to help you figure out the best set up for your child, your family and your lifestyle. You will be left feeling refreshed as a parent with nothing left to do but create memories with your cutie because after all, family is not an important thing; it’s everything.

Are you ready to reclaim your sleep?

Sleep Packages

Explore my range of sleep packages


Read what people are saying about Sleep Senseā„¢

About Me

Learn more about me and how I can help you


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Book your FREE discovery call today and we can chat about your unique needs and how I can help you.
